With each passing week, that little miracle in your womb is rapidly growing and developing. What once started as a small sack of cells is turning into a real person with arms and legs, fingers and toes. Your body is doing something amazing, and you should be so proud of yourself for it. No matter how the baby got in there, whatever route you and your partner took to conceive this child, the baby is there, and it is time to start creating a bond with your son/daughter!

Your bond with your baby will only strengthen once he or she arrives, with all of those kisses and snuggles, but you don’t need to wait until then to start creating something special. Here is a list of 15 ways you can bond with your baby while still pregnant:

1. Talk To Your Baby

Have conversations with your little one, tell them about your day or how excited you are to meet them. Your baby will quickly learn the sound of your voice and be able to differentiate it from anyone else. 

2. Call Your Baby By Their Name

If you have a name picked out already, consider talking to your baby as if they are there in your arms, and use their name. Not only does this help you get used to saying the name, and build that bond with your son/daughter, it also comforts the baby to hear your voice saying, what they will learn is their name before they even arrive. (On a side note, grab one of these baby name announcement signs from Caden Lane).

3. Read Books

Your baby may not understand the story, but he/she loves to hear your voice. Reading books is also a great way to get your partner involved before the baby gets here and it builds a good habit of reading together. 

4. Listen To Music

Share your favorite music with your baby or start listening to children’s songs. Either way, listening to music can help create a bond and shared experience with your little one. 

5. Sing To Your Baby

No matter what your singing ability is, your baby thinks you are the absolute best. Singing to your baby, whether real songs or made up, is a powerful bonding experience for you both. 

6. Rub Your Belly

Until you can kiss and hug your little one, rub your belly to show some physical affection. Babies in utero love belly rubs, as it is comforting to feel your touch.

7. Prenatal Massage

This not only will help all of those aches and pains, but a prenatal massage will also help relax your body and give you a chance to connect with your baby. Your body is doing amazing things, give it the rest and relaxation it needs. 

8. Get An Ultrasound

Seeing your baby move in real time, and hearing that heartbeat is the ultimate way to feel a connection to your soon to be little best friend! Your doctor may require ultrasounds at certain points in pregnancy, but if you ever need a reset and chance to see your baby again, there are places that offer private ultrasounds. Do your research first!

9. Keep A Journal

Now is the perfect time to write down your thoughts as you start to reflect on this next phase of life. Write to your baby, share your hopes and wishes, or any predictions you may have on their appearance or personality. Use this reflection time to build that bond with your baby, and all that he/she will become. 

10. Exercise Safely

If you are looking to stay active during your pregnancy, consider taking walks or swimming – these are both safe for you to do while pregnant and the movements are comforting for your baby. This is something the two of you can ‘do together.’

11. Take A Bath

Just like getting a massage, take some time for your body to rest. Fill a bath with bubbles and begin imagining all that this new journey of parenthood will bring. Think about how you want to arrange the nursery, or what middle name you like the sound of better. Use this time for just you and the baby. 

12. Continue With Your Hobbies

If you have a favorite hobby, now is a great time to ‘bring your baby along’ with you. Talk your baby through where you are going, or what you like to do. Any familiar sounds or movements to your baby in utero, will be familiar to them outside of the womb as well. 

13. Spend Time Surrounded By Family

Allow your baby to hear the voices of any siblings, cousins, grandparents, etc. Let the room fill with laughter, and your baby will sense the joy and happiness within and surrounding you. This is also important if your baby will be regularly around any pets, like dogs. The more the baby hears the dog bark in the womb, the less likely they are to be startled by it outside of the womb. 

14. Respond To Your Baby

When you feel a kick or movement, rub your belly or lightly push on that area. Signal to your little one that you are there and you love them. This connection will help strengthen that bond between you and your baby. 

15. Get Your Partner Involved

If you have a partner on this journey with you, get them involved as much as possible. After all, this is now your little family, and you are in it together. Have your partner read the baby a book or sing a song, maybe they rest their head on your stomach and tell the baby a story. Their bond is important too. 

You don’t have to wait until your baby gets here to start building a connection and feeling a bond. Make an effort to utilize one or all of the ideas on this list, as you anxiously await for the arrival of your new little bundle of joy!

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